Home Local 500 capacity dormitory at Maranda High School on fire

500 capacity dormitory at Maranda High School on fire

500 capacity dormitory at Maranda High School on fire

The newly constructed dormitory in Maranda High School has gone up in flames in the latest case of students unrest.

Reports indicate that the students claimed they were fatigued and needed a break, before going ahead and setting the dormitory on fire.

The dormitory is said to hold atleast 500 students.

Meanwhile, Lugusi Boys High School in Kakamega County reports a dormitory fire incident

In another incident, 17 students from Nyang’ori Boys High in Vihiga held by police over attempted arson

Schools that reported dormitory fires in last 12 hours:

1. Mwala Girls High in Machakos County

2. Maranda High in Siaya County

3. Cheplaskei High in Uasin Gishu

4. Nambale Boys High School in Busia

5. St. Mary’s Riabore Primary in Nyamira County

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