Home World 79 dead and more than 60 missing from apartment building collapse

79 dead and more than 60 missing from apartment building collapse

79 dead and more than 60 missing from apartment building collapse

The mourning procession continues in Surfside, Florida, where authorities announced yesterday Friday afternoon that they have located another body, with the temporary death toll reaching 79 dead, while a “small miracle” gave a family that is suffering a little joy: her pet cat was found alive, after 16 days.

The mayor of Miami-Dade County, Daniela Levine Kava, announced during a press conference the retrieval of a new victim, the 15th in the day.

Of the 79 victims, 53 have been identified so far, while 61 people remain missing in the rubble of the collapsed building.

Ms. Levine Kava, however, noted that she was able to announce “good news”, that is, that it was a “small miracle” that “could offer some relief to a suffering family”.

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Although they hoped for two weeks that they would be able to find tenants still alive in oxygen pockets in the wreckage of the former 12-storey apartment building, rescue workers finally decided to end the search phase on Wednesday and go through the search phase. in that of the collection of corpses. The search for the victims continued yesterday.

Surfside Mayor Charles Berkett hailed the “incredible progress” that research teams have made at the site, where they work 24 hours a day.

They are now looking below the ground.

“We found victims more or less everywhere,” said Alan Kominski, chief of the Miami-Dade County Fire Department.

Survivors’ searches had focused on stairwells, where occupants might have been trapped as they tried to get out, and on the bedrooms, based on the floor plans of the architectural plans of the floors, he explained.



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