Home World A fruit bomb killed two children playing in a village

A fruit bomb killed two children playing in a village

A fruit bomb killed two children playing in a village

A “jackfruit” bomb killed at least two children in a Ugandan village after being given to children while they were playing, a senior police official said.

The explosion, which occurred in Nakaseke district, about 60 kilometers north of the capital Kampala, killed a 14 year old and a second child with special needs, said a police spokesman, Asan Kasingke with the tweet.

The attack is the third to be launched in a week. On Monday a bomb planted inside a bus killed two people, while last Saturday a bomb attack in Kampala killed one person and injured three others.

The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the bombing Saturday.

No one has claimed responsibility for the blast.

Police could not say if they had located any suspects.



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