Home World A woman eats her husband’s ashes to … lose weight

A woman eats her husband’s ashes to … lose weight

A woman eats her husband's ashes to ... lose weight

An incredible story from the United States has gone viral in the last few hours for the wrong reasons …

A 26-year-old woman from the USA named Cassie has gone viral, who (literally) eats the ashes of her incinerated husband, Sean, because, as she says, they help her lose weight!

The 26-year-old woman, speaking on the TLC show “My Strange Addiction”, admitted that she feels ashamed of her habit and even expressed her fears that soon there will be nothing left!

As she pointed out, at first she started carrying her husband’s urn everywhere as she mourned his loss, but very soon he started trying it!

“A little ash had fallen on the bench and I did not want to throw it or wipe it, so I put my finger and tried. “Two months later I can not stop eating my husband’s ashes,” said Casie.

The shocking revelations did not stop there as the 26-year-old revealed that the taste of the ash (!) Is “like rotten eggs”, while she added that since she started her incredible habit she has lost 5 kilos!

Note that Casie has consumed about half a kilo of Sean ash …



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