Home Local Alert: Dangerous child killer escapes police

Alert: Dangerous child killer escapes police

Alert: Dangerous child killer escapes police

 Police have launched a manhunt to locate Mustan Wangzala, also known as the “vampire” of  Kenya . He is accused of killing at least 14 children in recent years.

The suspect, who was to appear in court today to testify about his horrific crimes that shocked Kenya, broke out of the Nairobi police detention center .

Police said they noticed he had disappeared during the morning call . He was arrested in July during a police investigation into a series of murders of children that shocked the nation.

The three police officers who were serving at the time of his escape at the Jogoo Road police station in the Eastlands area of ​​Nairobi, were arrested.

Authorities launched a manhunt for the man they described as extremely dangerous. In his statement to the police, the young man had confessed that he had killed at least ten teenagers.

In the period before his arrest, many child disappearances were reported in Kenya, even two a day. “Wangzala killed his victims mercilessly, some of whom drank their blood before killing them ,” the DCI said, calling him a “blood-thirsty vampire.”

The killings, which killed children aged 12 and 13, began five years ago. Wangzala anesthetized his victims and let them bleed to death. Some of them showed signs of strangulation.

He hid the bodies of the victims in bushes or threw them in the sewers of the city. His arrest had become the first topic in all the major Kenyan newspapers, which also published photos of him dressed in a blue football shirt, stained with blood.



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