Home World Attack on Taliban Police Vehicle – Many Injured

Attack on Taliban Police Vehicle – Many Injured

Attack on Taliban Police Vehicle - Many Injured

Unidentified gunmen hurled grenades at a Taliban police vehicle in the Afghan capital, Kabul, injuring several people.

A grenade was hurled at a Taliban police vehicle in the western suburbs of Kabul this morning , injuring several people, two Taliban officials said.

“A grenade was fired at our mujahedeen vehicle, injuring two,” said Interior Ministry spokesman Carrie Sagent Hosti.

A local Taliban official confirmed that it was a “bomb” that was thrown at a police vehicle, while talking about four injured students.

The explosion occurred at around 08:00 local time, according to an eyewitness. “I saw a thick cloud of smoke in the car mirror and people running to escape. “I managed to leave the area,” said 35-year-old Amin Amani, an eyewitness.

Since the Taliban came to power in Afghanistan on August 15, there has been a wave of bloody attacks in the country , launched by the Islamic State.

The local branch of the Islamist organization, the Islamic State in Khorasan, has attacked the Taliban and the Shiite minority in recent weeks .

Last Thursday, a local Taliban police chief was killed in a car bomb attack on his car in Assadabad, eastern Afghanistan.



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