Home Local Celebrations Erupt After Aspirants Win the KTDA Election

Celebrations Erupt After Aspirants Win the KTDA Election


Expressions of joy and happiness broke out across Iriene-Imenti after voters went for Gwara gwara and Mawira, handing them the KTDA director seats.

Gwara gwara was Iriene-West tea zone aspirant and Mawira was the Kithurine-east tea zone aspirant.

“I am grateful to the people of Kithurine East for electing me. I am confident that with the tea reforms, I will do an excellent job for them and ensure that their earnings increase.

With the agents in place, the election process was free and fair.

I congratulate the farmers on their large turnout and for defying the messages sent to their phones urging them not to vote,” said Mawira, the Kithurine east director-elect.

“The voting process went smoothly, and voters cast their ballots for their favorite candidate. The majority of voters are youth, and they have placed their confidence in us because we promise to increase their earnings.

We implore the government to dismiss the case in court and issue new 2020 tea regulations so that we can reopen our factories and earn money.

We implore you to pray for us as we carry out our duties, and we will bring you money.

Once we take office, we will provide loans to clerks and return the factory to the farmers so that our brothers and sisters can get employed,” said Gwara gwara, the Iriene west tea zone director-elect.



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