Home Local Conwoman exposed after lying to disabled

Conwoman exposed after lying to disabled

/Photo BaiteTV
/Photo BaiteTV

Wanja asked members of a disability group in Malile-Ntunene in Meru county to hand over their identification cards so she could make copies and seek funding for them.

According to the leader of the disability group, Wanja stole their personal documents and promised to bring them food, never to return.

She implored the Meru county government to assist them in contacting Wanja so that she can return their identification cards within a week.”

Another Member said: “Wanja lied to the disability group about buying chickens so that the children could eat eggs. She claimed to be one of the leaders of people with disabilities in Ntunene and promised to assist.

When contacted, she has stated that a meeting in Mutuati will be set up.
We urge the government to arrest Wanja for duping group members into believing she would assist them and stealing their personal documents.”

Muriithi Sebastian, the caretaker of Kenya community center said: ” I urge the members of various disability groups to always consult with the leaders of the Ntunene community. This will help to validate the authenticity of those claiming to be donors.”



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