Home Local Governor Kiraitu under fire for reallocating Kshs 1 billion for Miraa.

Governor Kiraitu under fire for reallocating Kshs 1 billion for Miraa.

Governor Kiraitu on the spot over reallocation Kshs 1Billion for miraa

When Meru Governor Kiraitu Murungi took office, he issued a joint statement with former Cabinet Secretary Mwangi Kiunjuri in which he stated that instead of looking for ways to expand miraa production in Buuri-Nchoroiboro, Central Imenti, and South Imenti Sub-Counties, he wanted Miraa farmers to replace crop with avocado and macadamia.

Kiraitu Murungi held a meeting with Mwangi Kiunjuri and agreed that they should divert the Ksh 1 billion meant for Miraa farmers to purchase and plant macadamia, avocados and grapes seedlings for the Miraa farmers.

Part of the money was used but the plants were neither brought nor planted.

The Delegation of a Sub-Committee on Agriculture and Livestock led by the Committee Vice Chairperson Hon Catherine Waruguru (Laikipia County), today concluded its four-days series of Public Petition Hearings in the Counties of Kirinyaga, Embu, and Meru.

Today, the Sub-Committee undertook Inspection visits of ongoing construction of miraa sheds in Igembe Central and Igembe North Constituencies, before embarking on public hearings from Miraa farmers, traders, and transporters in the two constituencies.

The Sub-Committee observed that despite the ministry of Agriculture having spent most the budget allocated for construction of the sheds, the projects were barely complete, with the miraa traders registering complaints that the failure of completion of the said projects has negatively impacted on their businesses.


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The Officer representing the ministry, was taken to task to explain the justification behind the expenses versus the incomplete projects, but the sub-committee got no conclusive explanation, prompting a directive by the vice chair for the Cabinet Secretaty to appear before the whole Committee and explain the situation, pending the drafting of a report on its findings.

Among the issues raised by the farmers were concerns over the reallocation of most of the Kshs 1Billion allocated in the national budget for miraa to other crops like avacadoes and potatoes, leaving only Ksh 400 Million for Miraa, of which only Ksh 180 Million can be accounted for by the ministry.

Miraa farmers in the region are now seeking the Committee’s indulgence to ensure the conclusive implementation of the report by the Task Force on Miraa farming and Trade, which they believe is bound to solve most of the challenges currently engulfing the trade of miraa and muguuka.

The Hearings were as a result of a Public Petition by Hon John Paul Mwirigi (Igembe South) regarding the Development of Miraa Marketing and Trade. The Committee is expected to write a report on its findings, clearly outlining the legislators’ observations on the matter, and make recommendations on the way forward most deemed fit to solve the matter.

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