Home Local Hand Chopped Off of Man Caught Stealing Miraa

Hand Chopped Off of Man Caught Stealing Miraa

/Photo BaiteTV

A man from Karimani-Mwiyo village in Meru County is nursing serious injuries after the owner of a Miraa farm brutally attacked him on April 27, chopping off his arm for allegedly stealing Miraa from his farm.

One of the residents who spoke to BaiteTV advised residents to report incidents of theft to the police and avoid situations where they are accused of murder just to end up in trouble with the law.

He added that the youth are smoking bhang and are unable to wake up early for work, resorting to stealing.

“My message to the youth is that we live in a time where stealing has never been acceptable. They should get up early and get to work. I encourage students to work hard and complete their education so that they can find work in the government or private sector, or start their own business.

I encourage young people in rural areas who have dropped out of school to pursue legal and entrepreneurial endeavors. They should avoid stealing other people’s property and understand that even if they steal and are not caught or seen, a curse will befall them.

When young people see successful people driving big cars and living lavish lifestyles in posh homes, they should not expect to get rich quickly without working for it.

A curse may not befall them when they decide to steal, but it will for future generations. I implore young people to be content with whatever they get, whether it is Ksh 20 or Ksh 10.

If you can’t find work, there are plenty of opportunities in the village. Laborers for harvesting Miraa are in short supply at my neighbor’s Miraa farm. If you do not get the chance, there are other jobs that are always in demand, such as guarding a Miraa farm.

You could also go to someone’s farm and start plowing. At the end of the day, you earn Ksh 200 or Ksh 300, which is enough to buy food.” he said.



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