Home World Horror: He kidnapped a 4-year-old, slaughtered him and left him on the...

Horror: He kidnapped a 4-year-old, slaughtered him and left him on the side of the road

Darriynn Brown

An unthinkable crime with the perpetrator being an 18-year-old man.

A 4-year-old boy from Dallas, USA, died a horrible death, as he was abducted by an 18-year-old, who then killed him!

The body of Cash Gernon was found by a passer-by in the area of ​​Mountain Creek, with the assistant sheriff stating that the child was “violently killed by a sharp object”.

The perpetrator of the heinous murder is 18-year-old Darriynn Brown, who was arrested a few hours later and charged with premeditated murder and kidnapping.

Cash’s body was identified by his mother and so far the reason why the perpetrator abducted and killed the child is unknown.



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