Home Local KCSE 2020 Results: Kaaga Girls named most improved school

KCSE 2020 Results: Kaaga Girls named most improved school


According to Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha, the schools accepted students with lower KCPE mean scores but did an admirable job of raising their overall mean performance to inspiring levels.

Extra county, county, and sub-county schools are among the schools in the country.

This year, Kaaga Girls High School increased its KCPE index from 22.38 percent to 73.98 percent, while St Joseph Girls Kitale improved from 21.22 percent to 71.57 percent.

Kisasi Secondary School increased from 20.48 percent to 68.2 percent, while Oriwo Boys, an extra county school, increased from 31.07 percent to 78.92 percent.

Riokindo High School, St. Joseph Rapogi, Light Academy (Private), Moi Gesusu High, Saye Mixed Secondary School, St. Edward Nyabioto, Wiobiero Secondary, Chuka Boys High School, Strathmore School, Bushra High School, and Mahiga Girls are among the other schools that Educations CS George Magoha noted improved from last year’s results.

“After looking at the impressive results that have been posted by our KCSE 2020 candidates, and taking into account the most trying environment in which they prepared for this examination, I am compelled to describe their show in one apt sentence: They fought their battle with resilience and ended it with grace,” said CS Magoha.

747,161 candidates took the 2020 KCSE Exam, compared to 697,222 candidates in 2019.

There were 49,939 more candidates than last year (6.68 percent ). 380,327 males and 366,834 females out of a total of 747,161 candidates took the 2020 KCSE Examination, accounting for 50.90 percent and 49.10 percent of the total candidature, respectively.



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