Home Local Our roads are nowhere near standard- residents lament

Our roads are nowhere near standard- residents lament


Residents of Mutindwa-Chogoria have described the bad nature of their roads, particularly the Mugijo Road as nowhere near standard.

According to pedestrians and motorists who ply the road daily, the bad nature of the roads is making their lives difficult in the region.

A tour to the area revealed that many of the residents find it difficult to transact their day-to-day routine to provide food for their families because of the muddy road.

One woman, who spoke to BaiteTv said tea farmers equally complain about the road because they found it difficult to transport their harvest.

“Small vehicles are unable to access the road, forcing their owners to walk. Only land rovers have access to this road.

Tea farmers can be seen falling with their produce when it rains. We demand that governor Muthomi and MCA Margret to repair the Mugijo road immediately.

People are willing to move their fences and water pipes to make room for expansion,” she lamented.

“We implore Tharaka Nithi County government to repair the dilapidated road. We also request that caveats be built to prevent water from cutting across the road and causing further damage. Pedestrians are having difficulty walking on the road and must wait for it to dry,” said Nyaga.

“The roads that connect Rumande to Kwa Muthoya and Kibanda-Kia-kathima to Chief mbogori have cost us a lot of money. Tea collection has become difficult due to vehicles becoming stuck. Motorcycles are finding it impossible to transport pedestrians,” another resident lamented.

“The worst spot on the Mutindwa-Mugijo road is Kiriini giki. We beg the county government to build caveats and place stones on the road to make our lives easier,” said Micheni.



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