Home Local Police search for gang members suspected in several violent crimes at Kariandusi

Police search for gang members suspected in several violent crimes at Kariandusi

Police search for gang members suspected in several violent crimes at Kariandusi

Detectives based in Gilgil, Nakuru County are pursuing a criminal gang operating across the county, that has been roughing up members of the public before bundling them in a white Toyota Noah, robbing them of valuables.

The dreaded knife-wielding gang of four men including the driver singles out specific targets at isolated areas, whom they frogmarch into their vehicle, tie up and blindfold, before robbing them and dumping them a distance away.

In one such incident in Gilgil yesterday morning, a lone man who was waiting for a matatu by the roadside was bundled into the said vehicle, before his cash, some shopping , Cooperative and Equity Bank ATM cards were robbed from him.

The tied up and blindfolded victim was later flung from the moving vehicle at Kariandusi, after being forced to reveal the pin numbers for the atm cards.

Passersby rescued him before reporting to the police.

DCI urgeS members of the public in the county to beware of this trend, and should anyone have information that would lead to the identification of the culprits or vehicle that is believed to be using different registration numbers, to report to any police station, call any of the police hotlines or #FichuakwaDCI through the toll-free 0800 722 203 line.



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