Home Local Politician Osore arrested in Bomas of Kenya shooting that injured one

Politician Osore arrested in Bomas of Kenya shooting that injured one

Politician Osore arrested over shooting that injured one

Police have arrested a Busia politician, Emmanuel Osore for misuse of his firearm after he aimlessly shot and injured a civilian, Maurice Wafula.

According to the National Police, Osore who is also the Busia County Ford Kenya chairman is said to have argued with one of the delegates in a meeting at the Bomas of Kenya yesterday where he aimlessly took out his gun and started shooting aimlessly.

“Emmanuel Osore disagreed with one of the delegates. Infuriated, he drew his civilian licensed firearm and shot aimlessly injuring one Maurice Wafula. Duty police promptly arrested him to face charges related to misuse of a firearm,” the police said.

In the process, one person was seriously injured.

“Emmanuel Osore disagreed with one of the delegates. Infuriated, he drew his civilian licensed firearm and shot aimlessly injuring one Maurice Wafula. Duty police promptly arrested him to face charges related to misuse of a firearm,” the police said.

The authorities further cautioned licensed firearm holders to exercise restraint and act responsibly when in possession of their licensed firearms, especially during the emotive electioneering period.

The shooting incident happened yesterday during the Ford Kenya party’s National Delegates Conference meeting.

This was after chaos erupted with different Ford Kenya factions disputed after Moses Wetangula was endorsed to run for President under the party’s ticket.



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