Home Politics Ruto: It’s unfortunate and deceitful for Mt. Kenya leaders to support Raila

Ruto: It’s unfortunate and deceitful for Mt. Kenya leaders to support Raila

Ruto: It’s unfortunate and deceitful for Mt. Kenya leaders to support Raila

Deputy President William Ruto has accused a section of Mt Kenya leaders of betrayal for campaigning for ODM Party leader Raila Odinga in the region.

Speaking in Kirinyaga after attending a church service, Ruto said it is unfortunate that the same people he campaigned with in the last elections are now campaigning for Raila who was their opponent then.

“We traversed this Country with President Uhuru Kenyatta and all those leaders in 2013 and 2017, both times we won the election. What has come of us that after mobilizing millions of votes in those elections we don’t have someone to lead us now such that they have brought Raila as the alternative leader?” He posed.

Ruto said he is the only one who stood with President Uhuru during his time of need and together they have implemented various development projects across the Country.

“It’s unfortunate and deceitful for leaders to tell you to support Raila now yet 5 years ago the same leaders were telling you how bad he was,” He said.

In a bare knuckle attack on Raila, Ruto said the ODM Party Leader was behind the chaos against him during his visit of Kisumu, saying no one can trust him with leadership.

“We must remain united like 2013 and 2017 you shouldn’t accept to be hoodwinked by the same people who told you how bad Raila was in 2013 and 2017,” H e said.

He reiterated that UDA party primaries will be free and fair urging Kirinyaga leaders to foster peace and desist from using the youth to perpetrate violence against their opponents.

DP Ruto said once elected next year, he will focus on changing the economy not changing the constitution to increase positions in the government.

“Next year’s agenda is to put Ksh 100b in housing, manufacturing, agro- processing and value addition in order to create jobs for our youths. They are the greatest resource we have as a country,” He said.

Governor Ann Waiguru who is seeking re-election on a UDA ticket said Kirinyaga is united behind DP Ruto’s 2022 presidential bid, saying they will not succumb to intimidations and threats.



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