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Sodomy: Teacher yet to be arrested for turning his students to sex machine

Sodomy: Teacher yet to be arrested for turning his students to sex machine

Police in Kieni West sub-county are yet to arrest a senior school administrator who was accused of sexually abusing two male students.

Calls to have the teacher from Aboni Mixed Secondary School arrested escalated over the weekend with area MP Kanini Kega called for the speedy conclusion of the case after parents held peaceful demos over the same.

Area sub-county Director of Education Mr. George Karangu said the male teacher is still a free man two weeks after he was accused of sexually assaulting two Form Three students.

Karangu said his office had finalized their report on the matter and handed it to the County Director of Education Mrs. Sabina Aroni therefore he was not in a position to comment on its progress.

He however said the teacher is currently out of school to ensure his safety and also enable Police to undertake their investigations.

“The teacher is not in school. He can’t be in a school because irate members of the public can kill him. I also went to the school and talked to the students and assured them of their security. At my level I have done that,” he said.

“We did our own investigations and passed the case to our seniors and so it is no longer at the sub county level. It is now at the county level,” he told the press. “And now there is the Police from who we are waiting for action,” he added.

The officer assured parents and students of the government’s commitment to ensure justice is served to the aggrieved party in the event the case goes to full trial.

The administrator came into the spotlight last week after he was accused of forcing the two students into unnatural sexual acts.

According to Jecinta Mwangi, a guardian to one of the victims, she came to learn about the matter this month after the boy finally agreed to open up to her.

She alleges that the sexual escapades became so frequent to the point of affecting the boy emotionally.

During these encounters the teacher would order the boy to swear by eccentric oaths while warning him never to disclose the matter to anyone as doing so would result in swift death.



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