Home World Stabbings, shootings and beatings for a 14-year-old who broke up with a...

Stabbings, shootings and beatings for a 14-year-old who broke up with a married man (video)


A young girl was “stolen” with a 19-year-old who is married and the family of the 14-year-old attacked relatives of the man. Terrible episodes of shootings, stabbings and beatings in Istanbul.

Serious shootings, stabbings, beatings and punches took place in a neighborhood in Istanbul when the family of a 14-year-old girl, who left with a 19-year-old married teenager, attacked relatives of the young man.


The specific district in Polis was turned into a battlefield and a young man was stabbed. The perpetrator was eventually arrested by teams from the Turkish Public Security Bureau.


It is noted that according to the local press, one family attacked the other twice. After the initial clashes, other citizens managed to separate the people involved. Only the girl’s family attacked again, this time with knives, chains, sticks and … brushes. The two rival families were removed with the intervention of citizens and police, who continue the investigation.

(info from SigmaLive)



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