Home Local Three suspected gangsters were gunned down by police

Three suspected gangsters were gunned down by police

Three suspected gangsters were gunned down by police

Three suspected gangsters were gunned down by police in Ruiru, Kiambu County in the wee hours of Friday morning.

A saloon car that had been stolen from Kayole area was also recovered following the incident.

Apparently, the trio had stolen the car from the parking lot of a businessman promoting the police to start a manhunt for them.

According to authorities, the three suspected gangsters who were in their early 20s were on their way to Mwiki from Githurai 45 when they were ambushed by police officers.

It was then that police opened fire, killing the three on the spot. No identification was recovered at the time of the incident.

confirming the incident, Kiambu police boss Ali Nuno has revealed that cases of vehicle theft had been on the rise in the area for the past couple of months with a former Member of Parliament also falling into the prey.

Nuno further intimated that most of the cars that are stolen are hard to trace as the thieves dismember the parts and sell them in different parts of the country.

The vehicle has since been towed to the local police station with investigations into the same ongoing.



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