Home World Unbelievable: They steal BMW in seconds (video)

Unbelievable: They steal BMW in seconds (video)


An incredible car theft video. In just a few seconds and without bothering at all, a robber dismantles every security system of a BMW …

These are shots from a security camera in a parking lot in the English countryside. The digital robber, with a special device, detects the signal from the smart key of the BMW 1 Series, opens the car, starts the engine and disappears.

This tactic has come to our country with a few incidents that have already occurred…

A few days ago, newsauto revealed a German ADAC survey of 237 cars with “smart” keys from 30 different manufacturers. According to her, 230 of them turned out to be vulnerable to hackers.

In fact, according to the car organization, advice is given on how to avoid hacking, while it is revealed that a company currently has smart keys that resist digital robbers…

Watch the video of the robbery…



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