Home World 24-year-old Somali man attack linked to Islamist terrorism

24-year-old Somali man attack linked to Islamist terrorism

24-year-old Somali kills three people and injures six

Islamist terrorism may be linked to Friday’s (25/6) attack in Würzburg, Germany, in which three people were killed and five others were seriously injured, said Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Hermann.

“There is ample evidence to suggest that this was an act of Islamist terrorism, but all of it must be thoroughly investigated,” Herman told Bild television, citing “intense suspicion” of it. the direction.

Abdirahman G., a 24-year-old Somali man who arrived in Germany in 2015 seeking asylum – and has repeatedly been admitted to a psychiatric clinic – attacked passers-by with a knife in the Bavarian city center; His asylum application has been rejected, but he cannot be deported at the moment, as he is under “subsidiary protection” status. 

According to police, all the victims of the attack were women. The Bavarian interior minister insisted that “for the time being one can not say with certainty whether it was an Islamist terrorist act, a psychiatric disorder or a terrible combination of the two.”

A memorial service was held at the scene last night with the participation of Bavarian politicians, including Prime Minister Markus Zender, representatives of the church, the Jewish and Muslim communities in the area.



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