County government officials claim to build NGCDF funded project

County government officials claim to build NGCDF funded project

Imenti South legislator Kathuri Murungi has hit out at Meru Governor Kiraitu Murungi after County government officials led by the deputy governor claim to have built a project funded by NGCDF.

“First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude to President Uhuru Kenyatta for giving us the Igoki division and the Nkuene Mitunguu subcounty, said Mr. Miriti a resident of Kithurine in Abogeta west of Igoki division.

“We stopped fighting, but someone named Kiraitu Murungi is always bringing up conflicts. He was the one who gave out the sub-county in 2010.


“He started the conflicts by dividing the people into upper and lower sides while pretending to be uninvolved.

“Recently rekindled the conflicts when he went to inaugurate a building in Murungurune that was constructed by the Hon. Kathuri Murungi.

“He distanced himself from the conflicts when he failed to show up for the inauguration, just as he’s used to giving people meat and doesn’t eat.

“I urge people to be extra cautious of Governor Kiraitu Murungi because when someone gets older, he finishes his own people while watching them.

“The conflicts should be investigated because when he inaugurated the building, he brought up more conflicts, as a result, there will be more of them.

“I request the government to keep an eye on him,” he said.

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“On behalf of the Igoki people, I am grateful to the leaders who have stood with us since the conflicts of Nkuene and Mitunguu began and fought for it until it was finally identified, for which we are grateful,” said Mawira Mwiti, a resident of Mwirichia.

“I’d also like to thank the people who used kerosene to put out the fire, one of whom is governor Kiraitu Murungi.

“We all know that these conflicts are the result of him, because if you are the man of the house and discover that the spears are being taken from the store, you cannot pretend that you are unaware,” he said.

“These people have been suffering for a long time. We will cast all of our votes for Bishop Hon Kawira Mwangaza so that he knows there are people in Igoki,” said

“Governor Kiraitu Murungi brought a young man known as JMK to beat the people of Igoki in the chuuri location,” said Kanyaru, the chairman of Igoki.

“He brought Karinga to beat the people of Igoki and Kauthene, he brought Kimathi, who should be informed that he is my nephew as his grandmother is my sister,” he said.

“I’d like him to be told that if he doesn’t return his nails, he will be cursed by Igoki,” he said

“Nobody has ever been able to live a normal life again after Igoki laid a finger on them. To Be Continued…



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