Home Politics Governor Kiraitu’s wasteful expenditure allegations surfaced again ahead of elections

Governor Kiraitu’s wasteful expenditure allegations surfaced again ahead of elections

Governor Kiraitu's wasteful expenditure allegations surfaced again ahead of elections

Meru County MP Hon. Bishop Kawira Mwangaza, who announced her bid to capture the gubernatorial seat ahead of the 2022 polls, has said that Meru Governor Kiraitu Murungi and his political brokers are on record claiming that votes are not cast but rather counted.

According to Kawira, these are the sentiments Kiraitu Murungi and his political brokers are using to scare people into believing they intend to steal votes.

“I’d like to inform Kiraitu Murungi that if votes are to be found, the votes for Kawira Mwangaza will be found; if votes are to be cast, the votes for Kawira Mwangaza will be cast; and if votes are to be counted, the votes for Kawira Mwangaza will be counted,” said Kawira.

Speaking during the launch of phase one of the distribution of gumboots to over 20,000 school children in Meru County, Kawira said that Kiraitu could not use threats to manipulate her because his term was coming to an end.

According to Kawira, they will battle it out at the ballot box because her track record speaks for itself. She said that the Meru child demanded a track record, not threats from Governor Kiraitu.

“Kiraitu Murungi should show his track record, which totals Kenya Shillings 50 billion to date. He must be held accountable and transparent. When I speak to people, I always tell them that I have received a certain amount of money and that I have added another amount of money,” Kawira said.

“When am addressing Meru county residents in the Mashinani and a question arises, I always respond. Why, on the other hand, does Kiraitu keep the public in the dark about how much money the county government has spent so far?” Kawira posed.

“We should have expected Kiraitu to inform Meru County residents that he did not use the Kenya Shillings 50 billion, but rather Kenya Shillings 10 billion, and how it was spent,” Kawira said.

“We don’t need the Meru Level 5 hospital to be referred to as a level seven because hospitals require medicine so that patients who visit them can receive them. A name isn’t necessary because you can refer to it as level 20 or level 40, but what’s the point of naming a hospital a level 40 if it lacks medicines?” Kawira posed.

“He should stop deceiving the public by claiming to have upgraded it to level 20 and publishing it in a newspaper so that people in Nairobi can read it and fear him. We will recognize Kiraitu Murungi when poor people stop crying after visiting the hospital due to a lack of medicines,” Kawira said.

“When I visit the Mashinani in Meru County, I discover that there are no medicines in the dispensaries or hospitals, despite the fact that people are admitted. I’d like to tell Governor Kiraitu that he should smell the challenges in Meru County rather than political parties,” Kawira said.

“Because God will allow it, I will be the governor who defeats Kiraitu Murungi early in the morning. We are not requesting that the hospital be renamed to some lever; rather, we are requesting that medicines be made available in the hospital. Hospitals are not given names and upgraded based on the decision of a few individuals,” Kawira said.

“The level of service in the hospital is what determines whether or not a hospital is upgraded. Services available in Meru Level 5 hospital do not qualify for a level 7 upgrade. Kiraitu should also stop deceiving us by going to revamp projects started by others,” Kawira said.

“We are serious, and we know very clearly that Kiraitu has done nothing, and he is aware that he is in the final days of his term. He’s doing roadshows and claiming to have completed some minor projects,” Kawira said.

“I’d like to inform Kiraitu that whenever he speaks about the women of Meru County, he should put aside his political brokers and avoid mentioning me. Dresses and trousers are unimportant; what matters is a desire to lead the people,” Kawira said.

Kawira said that Kiraitu Murungi should understand that we live in the digital era, and the days of scaring people are long gone. She said they will compete fiercely and go toe-to-toe at the ballot box.



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