Home Local Hawkers Demand Installation of Street Lights

Hawkers Demand Installation of Street Lights


Despite Mutindwa town in Meru county being the capital, major streets in the town lack street lights. As a result, hundreds of hawkers close by 6:00 pm for fear of being attacked by thugs under the cover of darkness.

Now, the hawkers are pushing for the restoration of street lighting. Talking to BaiteTv, a hawker at one of the streets says due to lack of street lights they are forced to close by 6:00 pm yet they would wish to work until 7:00 pm.

“We thank God for health and daily bread, even though business is not doing well. The Kanjo allows us to hawk within the town starting 3:00 pm which is a challenge because some of the customers have already gone home.

I appeal to the MCA to consider restoring street lights to enable us to do business with ease,” she said.

Another hawker said: “Opening our businesses at 3:00 pm is a challenge since most of our customers are busy at that time. We appeal to the county government to repair street lights so that we can continue to work past 6:00 pm.”



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