IEBC recruitment kicks off

IEBC recruitment kicks off

The process of recruitment for the four vacant positions at the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) has kicked off this morning, with the 36 candidates shortlisted for the positions sitting for a psychometric test.

Addressing the candidates before the administration of the test, the Chairperson of the Selection Panel for the Appointment of Commissioners of the IEBC, Dr. Elizabeth Muli explained to the candidates why the Panel had settled on the test as part of the interview process adding that the psychometric test is only a part of the process and not the end in itself.

“The Selection Panel shall be using an assessment that evaluates cognitive skills of the individual, behavioral preferences and motivational interests. We shall also be assessing levels of emotional intelligence which is a key component of leadership”, Dr. Muli explained.


After the test which runs for approximately two hours, the Panel will administer a Case Study to the candidates which commences at 2.00pm.

After the tests, all the candidates are expected to proceed to the oral interviews which will be held between 7th and 22nd July.

This is the first time that a Selection Panel for the appointment of Commissioners to the IEBC has carried out such tests, alongside the usual oral interviews.

Today’s tests and the interviews will be conducted in public in line with Paragraph 3 of the First Schedule to the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Act, 2011 while taking into account the Covid-19 protocols



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