Home Local Man arrested for allegedly throwing woman off balcony

Man arrested for allegedly throwing woman off balcony

Man arrested for allegedly throwing woman off balcony

The suspect behind yesterday’s morning macabre killing of a 25-year-old woman has finally been cornered. Suleiman Mayanja, a Ugandan national who entered the country last month through the Busia border point, was busted by detectives at the Nyali Cinemax, where he was hiding.

Mayanja, had sent a runner to collect his belongings from the room which he had booked on September 30, when detectives pounced on him. Unbeknownst to the runner who is a cab driver, undercover cops had laid an ambush in the apartment.

He was immediately seized and after a few minutes of interrogation, whisked to a waiting police hatchback that sped towards the suspect’s hideout.

The Nyali based sleuths have established that the suspect who came into the country on September 1, and the deceased were not known to each other previously. They had met a day before at a popular joint, where they made merry and imbibed a few drinks.

Mayanja was smitten by the woman from Western Kenya, who was described as charming and outgoing by her friends.

Sunday’s meeting was their second. The deceased had joined Mayanja in the rented apartment, before she met her demise at 3am yesterday morning. Her half dressed body was discovered by the apartment’s guard.

Meanwhile, the suspect is currently being grilled for more details relating to the incident, for the appropriate charges to be preferred against him before arraignment.

Our thoughts are with the deceased, her family and friends and DCI gives you the reassurance that we will leave no stone unturned in the investigation into this serious crime.



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