Home Politics Moi Wants Ruto To End 2022 Politics

Moi Wants Ruto To End 2022 Politics

Moi Wants Ruto To End 2022 Politics

Baringo Senator Gideon Moi has dismissed Deputy President William Ruto’s bid for the presidency in 2022, urging him to use his power to improve the lives of the people instead of telling his followers his dream of becoming the country’s leader.

The senator called on leaders to focus on implementing development agendas for the people.

“We need to talk about development projects, not politics, ”said the KANU leader in Kabarnet.

The battle for control of the Rift Valley constituency is set to begin with Baringo County being the site of a political debate between Deputy President William Ruto and the senator.


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He also called on the national government to speed up the process of spending money on county governments, noting that its delays have hampered local development.

The senator called on the government to compensate all victims of livestock theft and provide land for all displaced North Rift residents.

He said people who had been forced to flee their homes since 2005 due to the invasion should be registered as internally displaced persons.

“We will thank the government when it understands the plight of the people of this area due to the invasion of livestock thieves. We need steps to end this situation, ”he said.

However, he said that leaders from livestock-fighting communities should be at the forefront of bringing peace to the area.

“Blaming each other will not bring any solution. We need to lead efforts to find a solution by uniting our people and forgiving each other if we aim to see real progress, ”he said.

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