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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Traders complain of poor hygiene, want market renovated.

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Despite paying fees to the county council, the traders at the Kangeta market told BaiteTv that the market resembles a pigsty. The toilets are filthy to the point of being unusable.

They said that for no apparent cause, their MCA has been deafeningly quiet and alleged that governor Kiraitu was aware of the need to renovate the market.

“The market resembles a cattle trough, and we believe marram should have been poured. Kiraitu seems to have forgotten about us, and he still wants votes in 2022.

We expect him to come to us in 2022, however, we are aware of his habits. He has no plans to renovate the market because his term is coming to an end soon. We’ll still be complaining if he shows up and starts working today.

He should have begun renovating the market as soon as he was elected governor. all he does is fight Bishop Hon Kawira Mwangaza and other MPs on development projects. The people of Kangeta have been neglected,” said John.

Another trader said: “The mud in the market has caused us a great deal of embarrassment. Customers are turned off by the foul odor, and if they do buy, it is only by God’s grace.

Governor Kiraitu has received a chorus of complaints. We are aware that he is aware of our suffering but does little to alleviate it. Our MCA has never set foot in the market.”

“Customers come into my shop and inquire to know what smells like sewerage. Others, even while wearing masks, shield their mouths.

In Kangeta, we have a DC, a DO, and other high-ranking officials, but I doubt they go come to the market for shopping.

We demand an explanation from the MCA for why we have been neglected. We need to know whether govenor Kiraitu allocates him money or not, because our guess is that he does get money but fails to renovate the market,” said another trader.

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