Home National Committee on Energy sought answers from the newly appointed energy PS

Committee on Energy sought answers from the newly appointed energy PS

Committee on Energy sought answers from the newly appointed energy PS

National Assembly Departmental Committee on Energy chaired by Hon. David Gikaria, MP Nakuru Town East met with the Principal Secretary Maj. Gen (Rtd) Gordon Kihalangwa, Chief Administrative Secretary Mr. Zachary Ayieko and other representatives from the Ministry of Energy to respond to questions raised by Members of Parliament.

MPs sought answers from the newly appointed Principal Secretary on the status of the Last Mile connectivity project in various constituencies and the measures the Ministry is undertaking to ensure power connection in, particularly, to public institutions including schools and health facilities in various constituencies.

Other concerns raised during the meeting include the delay in completion of construction of transformers and other basic infrastructure for electricity connection and further delay in the repair of the aforementioned infrastructure in various constituencies.



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