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Sunday, March 9, 2025

Fight Cancer (and Not Only) with Fiber – Which Foods to Find?

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A “brake” on kidney cancer seems to put a diet rich in fiber as shown in a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Specifically, people who consumed 17 grams daily. fiber per 1,000 calories had a 19% reduction in the risk of kidney cancer compared to those who consumed less.

The reason may be the removal of carcinogenic toxins from the kidneys, due to the ability of fiber to bind them and eliminate them through the digestive tract. Of course, an important condition for the proper functioning of the kidneys is the consumption of plenty of water.

Fiber will help
– to lose weight more easily as you will be full more easily
– in the proper functioning of your intestine
– they play a catalytic role in the slower absorption of glucose into the blood. This way your blood sugar does not increase too much

– bind part of the cholesterol of other foods with which they are consumed together (eg red meat) and lead it to be eliminated without accumulating in your body.

Where will you find them

You will find fiber in all plant foods (fruits, vegetables, cereals, legumes) that have not been industrially processed (eg in flour before turning white flour, in apples and oranges before being made into juice, in carrots, in peas). , dried beans, lentils, etc.).

In any case, the best sources of fiber are:

– whole grains (eg wheat with its outer skin, ie bran),

– oats, barley, rye,

– legumes (eg beans, lentils),

– fruits (eg pears, strawberries, kiwis, figs) mainly with their skins and preferably not in the form of juice, but even more dried (100 g of fresh plums contain 1.5 g of fiber, while the same amount of dried 6.1 g),

– black rice, black pasta,

– wholemeal bread,

– peas, carrots, lettuce, cabbage,

– nuts, greens, artichokes,

– avocado, broccoli, spinach etc.

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