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Thursday, March 6, 2025

How to quit smoking

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Not once or twice but countless times you tried to cut the cigarette knife but never succeeded. The truth is that getting rid of nicotine is not easy.

Some basics on how to quit smoking
In order for a smoker to enter a smoking cessation process you should:

 feel an inner desire for this change,

• to feel threatened by the habit of smoking both he and those around him,
• to feel that nicotine addiction will bring significant benefits to him and
• to feel that he is able to cope with this change.

Some tips on how to quit smoking.

1. Cut the cigarette with the knife. In the long run it is the easiest and most effective smoking cessation technique.

2. Do not carry cigarettes with you.

3. VERY BASIC: Work on quitting smoking this day. Do not worry about next year, next month, next week or even tomorrow. Focus on not smoking from the time you wake up until you go to bed.

4. Develop the idea that you are doing yourself a favor by not smoking. Do not accept the idea that you are deprived of a cigarette. You quit smoking because you take care of yourself.

5. Be proud that you do not smoke.

6. Know that many situations will trigger the urge for a cigarette. Situations that will trigger a push include: coffee, alcohol, bars, social events with smoking friends, playing cards, after eating. Try to maintain your normal routine when quitting smoking.

If any event seems too difficult, leave it and come back to it later. But do not feel that you have to stop any activity forever. Whatever you did as a smoker, you will learn to do just as well and perhaps better as a former smoker.

7. If you experience a cigarette craving crisis (eg flat tire, flood, blizzard, family illness), remember that smoking offers no solution. It will only complicate the already difficult situation by creating another crisis, the addiction to nicotine again.

8. Accept that you are addicted. A puff and you will get addicted to cigarettes again. No matter how long you’ve been cutting it, never think that you can safely take a roll!

9. Do not disagree with yourself about how much you want a single cigarette. Better ask how you would feel to return to the old level of cigarette consumption. When it comes to smoking, the choice is either all or nothing.

10. Save the money you would spend on cigarettes and buy something you really want after a week or a month. Save money for a year and they will even arrive for a vacation.

11. The deep breathing technique helps when you have a craving for a cigarette.

12. Go to places where you could not normally smoke, such as cinemas, libraries and restaurant sections where smoking is prohibited.

13. Tell the people around you that you quit smoking.
Nicotine substitutes do not help

Nicotine patches and chewing gum do not effectively help smokers quit smoking forever, even when these treatments are combined with psychological support sessions, according to a recent US study.

“This research shows that nicotine substitutes, such as patches and chewing gum, are no more effective at quitting smoking than trying on your own without them,” said Hillel Albert, of the University School of Public Health. Harvard, the lead author of the research published in the online edition of the review Tobacco Control.

The researchers focused their study on 787 adult smokers from Massachusetts who had recently quit smoking. They watched them in three consecutive seasons: 2001-2, 2003-4 and 2005-6. Participants had to state what kind of substitutes they were using – patches, chewing gum, nasal sprays or pipes – and how long they followed this treatment without interruption. They also had to clarify whether they were seeking help from a doctor or other specialist in trying to quit smoking.

The results showed that almost a third of those who had quit smoking eventually resumed smoking. Examining those who returned to their bad habit, the researchers found no difference between those who had used substitutes for more than six weeks and those who used nothing.

Other medicines:

Bupropion (zyban) Bupropion is a mild antidepressant and was originally used as such. In the course of the research, however, it was found that it causes disgust from cigarettes.

The most important side effects of bupropion are headaches, insomnia, dizziness, hypertension, dry mouth and gastrointestinal symptoms. Taking it is combined with the psychological support of the smoker, possibly also with nicotine substitutes. Treatment lasting seven weeks, in combination or not with nicotine substitutes leads to discontinuation rates of 44-68%.

Varenicline champagne varenicline is a new drug designed specifically for the treatment of smoking cessation. Varenicline is estimated to have mild side effects that gradually subside within the first ten days of taking it.

It has been evaluated as safe and well tolerated by the body, while its possible side effects include nausea, headaches, constipation and the experience of bad dreams during the night. Varenicline administration programs for 12 weeks appear to result in discontinuation rates of approximately 44%.

Medicines intended for smoking cessation are not covered by insurance funds. The cost is borne by the consumer.

The electronic cigarette:

Quit smoking without gaining weight:

Nicotine suppresses appetite and the lack of it in the body means that the feeling of hunger increases, with the result that ex-smokers start eating more, mainly increasing snacking. Nicotine can also increase metabolism. After smoking cessation, the metabolic rate returns to normal, with the result that the ex-smoker “burns” fewer calories.

Some tricks to not get fat (or at least the situation is reversible)…

* Drink plenty of water. Water satisfies hunger, so it acts as an appetite suppressant.

* Drink acidic juices, such as lemon or grapefruit juices. Acidic juices alleviate the addictive effect of nicotine, precisely because they have a strong and at the same time sour taste.

* Chew candies and chewing gum without sugar, but with a strong taste. Such flavors are mint and clove. Studies have shown that such intense flavors reduce the need for a cigarette. In addition, when you chew such foods (as well as healthy snacks, such as raw carrots) you have the feeling that you are eating and so you will not snack on something more fattening.

* Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables. These foods do not provide many calories, so it will be difficult for you to gain weight if you eat more than you used to. In addition, the fruits are mostly sweet and so will satisfy your craving for something sweet. And vegetables can meet your need for something salty.

* Moderate alcohol consumption. Alcohol not only contains a lot of calories, so by definition it makes you fat, but it is usually consumed by smokers in conjunction with cigarettes – so now that you are trying to quit drinking alcohol, you will remember your old habits and your longing for a cigarette.

* Change your coffee habits. This is because, especially the first of the day, it is usually accompanied by one or more cigarettes, so if you do not take action, you will make mental associations and you will suffer. If you can not moderate the coffee, change the type (eg instead of cappuccino to drink espresso) or its sugar or milk content (eg if you drink it plain to add half a spoon of sugar or milk) to do not associate coffee so strongly with cigarettes.

* Reduce your quantities. Try to eat a little less than before, especially from fattening dishes (eg pastitsio, pasta, pizzas, skewers, etc.). Remember that after stopping you will burn less, so you need fewer calories.

* Make smart food choices. Plan daily what to eat and try to make meals as simple and healthy as possible.

Start walking. Half an egg a day will not only help you burn calories, but will reduce your withdrawal symptoms and craving for cigarettes.

Good luck!

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