An unbelievable murder took place in Russia with a 45-year-old woman killing her husband after sitting on him
Tragic death found the wife of a 45-year woman in Russia which sat up with this result lost his life and was accused of murder.
For the case has arrested the 45-year Tatiana O . who allegedly sat on top of her husband during an argument.
The 45-year-old , who weighs 101 kilos, reportedly refused to stand above her husband, Aidar, until he apologized.
All this allegedly happened in front of the eyes of the couple ‘s daughter who called for help from the neighbors.

According to information, a woman appeared but she judged that it was a marital quarrel in which she could not intervene.
Tatiana claimed that her goal was to calm down her husband , but when he lost consciousness then she raised her voice and the neighbors called an ambulance.
Despite the efforts of the rescuers, the husband of the 45-year-old was not able to recover.
According to the medical examiner, the husband of the 45-year-old died of suffocation as his face was towards the mattress while on it was his wife who prevented him from getting up on her feet.