22.6 C
Thursday, July 4, 2024

Motorcycle Thief Burnt To Death

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A suspected motorcycle thief has been burnt to death by angry youths at Kandene village in Meru County.

An eyewitness said that the suspect was killed by the mob after stealing a motorcycle at Isiolo County.

“The suspect stole a motorcycle from Isiolo with a female accomplice who stabbed the owner. They escaped with the motorcycle which ran out of fuel when they arrived in Mwera Matia village. The suspect walked to Kandebene village to purchase fuel,” said an eyewitness.

“Isiolo boda boda operators tracked the motorcycle to Kandebene village and found it. When the suspect realized he’d been discovered, he attempted to flee on foot. The boda boda drivers pursued him and apprehended him,” said an eyewitness.

According to an eyewitness, the angry youths brutally thrashed him before burning him to death.

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Jackson Muriithi, Boda boda chairman, Muriri village, urged the police to arrest anyone riding a motorcycle without a license plate.

“The number plate assists in identifying a stolen motorcycle, and enforcing the regulations will reduce the number of theft cases,” said Muriithi.

Another eyewitness said that the female accomplice escaped.

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