Home National President Kenyatta Announces 9 Key appointments

President Kenyatta Announces 9 Key appointments

President seeks House approval of nominees to the IEBC

Following the approval of the IEBC and TSC commissioners by MPs on Wednesday, President Uhuru Kenyatta appointed them.

This clears the way for the four IEBC commissioners, Juliana Cherera, Francis Wanderi, Irene Masit, and Justus Abonyo, to be sworn in.

They are expected to take the oath of office on Thursday.

Cherera, Wanderi, Masit, and Abonyo will take over for Roselyn Akombe, Margaret Mwachanya, Paul Kurgat, and former vice-chair Consolata Maina, who all resigned from the commission in 2017 and 2018.

The President has also appointed five commissioners to the Teachers Service Commission, putting an end to a quorum problem that had plagued the regulatory body.

On Thursday, Nicodemus Anyang, Christine Kahindi, Sharon Chelagat, Anceta Wafukho, and Salesa Adano will also be sworn in.

The five TSC commissioners will also serve for a six-year term.



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