Home National President Kenyatta Condoles With Family Of Eldas MCA Ibrahim Abass

President Kenyatta Condoles With Family Of Eldas MCA Ibrahim Abass

President Kenyatta Condoles With Family Of Eldas MCA Ibrahim Abass

President Uhuru Kenyatta has sent a message of condolence to the family, relatives and friends of Eldas MCA Ibrahim Abass who passed away today after a short illness.

In his message of comfort and encouragement, the President mourned the Member of County Assembly (MCA) as a progressive politician whose transformative leadership will be dearly missed by residents of Eldas Ward.

“The passing away of Mr Abass is a big blow to the people of Eldas Ward and Wajir County. The late MCA was a robust and progressive grassroots leader whose down to earth approach to leadership enabled him to provide practical solutions to challenges facing his constituents,” the President eulogised.

The Head of State prayed to God to give the family and residents of Eldas fortitude and strength as they mourn their departed leader.



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