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Thursday, June 27, 2024

Ruto: The president and I have made a lot of progress

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Deputy President William Ruto has strongly defended his record of performance claiming that much of the progress being witnessed in the country is due to his efforts and those of President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Dr Ruto said development projects implemented since 2013, as an aide to the President, give him a ticket to the White House 2022.

Mr Odinga has been attacking Ruto, saying his promises to the nation when he enters the White House in 2022 are pure fraud.

“These people are saying the things I promise the people why I did not do them. I have been the vice president for a period of eight years. The president and I have made a lot of progress, starting with the construction of a modern SGR railway, roads, steamer, launching various higher education institutions… There is a lot that has been done as a deputy president, ”said Dr Ruto

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“If I tell you the phase of young people who are unemployed and business has come to strengthen themselves, I know what I am talking about,” he added.

However, he has been sharply criticized by his opponents, saying he is linked to the failure of the ruling Jubilee party to achieve its policies and promises to Kenyans.

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