One cannot fathom what a 28-year-old did to his own mother.
Even in her worst nightmares, a 65-year-old woman from Queens, USA, could not imagine her end, as her own son killed her in the wood and then molested her body!
Pushkar Sharma killed Soraj Sharma’s mother on Mother’s Day.
The 28-year-old grabbed the 65-year-old woman by the neck and started strangling her. Then, according to the medical examiner, he punched her to death, however the sick mind of the young man did not stop there.

Moments later he raped his own mother, who had already given up her last breath.
“It is tragic that on such a day, instead of celebrating, the woman lost her life in such a horrible way,” said Melinda Katz, a police spokeswoman.
After the horror, the 28-year-old went alone to the local police station and surrendered, confessing to what he had done a little while earlier.