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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Speaker Muturi urges County Governments to embrace the spirit of working together

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The Speaker of the National Assembly, Hon.Justin Muturi has called on the various organs of the County Governments to embrace the spirit of working together, so as to ensure that County Governments enjoy the fruits of devolution. This he noted would be the right interpretation of the Principle of Separation of Powers.

Speaking when he delivered his maiden speech to a County legislature at the County Assembly of Bomet, Speaker Muturi noted that though there has been different thinking classes with regard to the principle, County governments just like their national counterpart organs do not work in isolation.

“The doctrine of separation of powers continues to occupy the minds of scholars. There are those who belong to the school of thought that contends that in applying the doctrine amongst the three arms of government, its application should be rigid, unflinching even. They argue that keeping one arm of government in check and from its excesses, requires a strict approach”, he observed.

He submitted that the bigger picture envisaged by the drafters of the Constitution with regard to devolution, risks being lost if the concept will be misinterpreted to mean that the principle should be implemented with rigidity, devoid of consultations and collaboration.

“Then there is the other school of thought that maintains that, we are building this edifice together, thus we can check on each other, but should not lose sight of the bigger picture; which is, to recognize that we don’t need to misinterpret the doctrine while we can find ways of cooperating in achieving our common goal as a county or even country”, he continued.

During the address which was graced by Bomet Governor, H.E. (Dr.)Hillary Barchok, Bomet Senator, Sen. Christopher Lang’at, Nominated Senator, Sen. (Dr.) Alice Milgo and the County Woman MP, Hon. Joyce Korir the Speaker noted that his invitation to open the new County Assembly mini chambers and launch the Assembly’s Strategic Plan (2021-2027).

He further underscored that just like bicameralism, devolution needs concerted efforts to work.

“There are jurisdictions with a bicameral system like ours, but who have ensured that power is decentralized and that the legislature both at the National and at the devolved level finds its voice and place in advancing democracy”, Speaker Muturi explained.

Making his comments on the long debated matter of the qualifications for to vie for the legislature both at the national and County legislatures and which the courts recently pronounced themselves on, the Speaker chose to take the middle path, stating that he would leave the matter to the conscience of the voter.

Later during the launch of the Assembly’s strategic plan, Hon. Muturi lauded the efforts of his host, Hon. Nelson Mutai, the Speaker of the County Assembly of Bomet in mainstreaming professionalism within the County Assembly staff while developing better working conditions for the Assembly Members.

The Speaker was the chief guest at the launch of Dr. Joyce Laboso Centre which will house the County Assembly temporarily as they await the completion of their main chamber which is under construction. The family of the late Governor, Hon. (Dr.) Joyce Laboso in whose honour the centre is named, led by her husband Mr. Edwin Laboso also graced the occasion.

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