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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Squid Game: KFCB Concern – ‘Don’t Let Kids Watch Netflix’

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The Kenya Films Classification Board (KFCB) has warned against the exposure of  popular Netflix Show ‘ Squid Game’ to children saying the graphic and violent nature of the show’s content should be limited to Adults.

Through a statement, the board said thatit had noted with concern that some of the gory scenes had been copied and posted on other social media platforms including Instagram, TikTok and YouTube.

“Some of the gory scenes of the series have been duplicated onto other online platforms including YouTube, instagram and TikTok.” the statement said.

“The risk of children imitating scenes in the game from Squid Game has become real. While seemingly innocent, this may lead to an escalation of violence and other vices as depicted in the series, causing grave harm to the children.”

The board further said that Netflix had rated ‘Squid Game’ for adults aged 18 and over, with notes for suicide, violence and sex. Parents, guardians and caregivers were therefore asked to be vigilant in monitoring the kind of content their children were consuming and protect them from such shows.

In addition, the board said it had reached out to Netflix and would partner in rolling out a sensitization programme on the available safeguards on the video-streaming app. The two parties will also constitute a joint team to deliberate on the mechanisms of fast-tracking the platform’s application of the local classification system on Netflix’s programming that is available within the Kenyan territory.

KFCB also said that it had written to Google asking them to pull down any duplicated scenes from the series.

The board said that it would continue empowering parents and caregivers with the requisite skills and knowledge to monitor content that the children are consuming through the Digital Parenting and Child Online Protection programme.

“Research has shown that film and media content influence behaviour and the thinking of consumers, especially children, who are most impressionable”

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