Walking, a real aerobic exercise with multiple benefits for our health and well-being. Do you think that your metabolism is stuck and that is why you can not burn calories?
And yet, walking after a meal can activate it, converting most of the calories you just ate into heat. This way, your body will burn them much more easily and efficiently.
However, if you do not see a difference in your body, do not worry. Here are the three most common walking mistakes that can be easily corrected and lose weight while walking.

First mistake: You do not change the volume
While walking at a leisurely pace is better than not exercising at all, research shows that brisk walking is the best way to burn calories and lose weight. If you find it difficult to increase your pace, try to do it in shorter intervals of 1-2 minutes, with a minute of rest in between. This workout can boost your metabolism. Medium-intensity walking is 80–99 steps per minute, while brisk walking is 100–119 steps per minute.
Second mistake: You do the same route
If you stay on the same path, over time your body adapts and it is not easy for it to lose excess weight. In addition, you start to get bored, so you lose your motivation. Therefore, change your routes often.
This can be a hill or an uphill trail. If you walk on different surfaces, such as mud, sand, or grass, or uphill, you consume more energy.
As you walk, try to move your arms opposite your legs so that you burn more calories.
Third mistake: You do not shake hands
If your arms are just hanging left and right, the rest of the body has more work to do and the intensity of the exercise is reduced. As you walk, try to move your arms opposite your legs so that you burn more calories and achieve a more total strengthening in different parts of the body.