Home National Court to decide disqualification of appointments by President

Court to decide disqualification of appointments by President


On May 27, 2021, a petition challenging the appointment of 128 Chairpersons and members of boards to various state corporations and agencies will be heard.

The petitioners, represented by Katiba Institute and Africa Centre for Open Governance lawyer Lempaa Suyianka, claim that appointments made in June 2018 by the President and members of his Cabinet to various state corporations and agencies for the positions of chairpersons or members of boards were illegal and an affront to the constitution and the rule of law.

“No advertisements or communication were made to members of the public of the existence of the positions; no interview process was carried out and – even worse, and without prejudice to the ground on the peremptory requirements of transparency, merit and competition – there is nothing on record that those appointed to the various positions are competent to discharge the functions of the respective offices,” The petition argues.

The petitioners are challenging the appointments of Gen Julius Karangi to the NSSF Board, Michael G Waweru to the Kenya Railways Corporation, Joseph Raymond Kibwana to the Kenya Ports Authority, Mudzo Nzili to the NHIF Board, and Elias Busienei to the Kenya Leather Development Council, among others.



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