Home National President Uhuru Kenyatta Meets Political Party Leaders In Mombasa

President Uhuru Kenyatta Meets Political Party Leaders In Mombasa

President Uhuru Kenyatta Meets Political Party Leaders In Mombasa

President Uhuru Kenyatta meets political party leaders in Mombasa

His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta on Tuesday held a consultative meeting with a cross-section of political party leaders to discuss several subjects touching on the State of the Kenyan Nation.

Political party leaders Raila Odinga (ODM), Musalia Mudavadi (ANC), Kalonzo Musyoka (Wiper), Moses Wetangula (Ford Kenya), and Gideon Moi (KANU) attended the meeting at State House, Mombasa. Also present was Kakamega Governor and ODM Deputy Party Leader Wycliffe Oparanya.


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Among the subjects discussed by the leaders were, Covid-19’s impact on the country and how to revamp the economy; and the importance of maintaining peace, unity and national cohesion.

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